14 Quotes by Steven Magee about Case
- Author Steven Magee
From the perspective of abnormal psychology, President Trump is a very interesting case study.
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- Author Steven Magee
Eating organic for good health and spending your day sitting down using a wireless computer that is next to a WiFi router is a classic case of Yin & Yang.
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- Author Steven Magee
Public Utility Commission (PUC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) complaints are rarely upheld. It is estimated that less than 5% of complaints are successful and that the actual number may be below 1% in some cases.
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- Author Steven Magee
I found that there were few lawyers in Tucson, Arizona that specialized in workers compensation. The ones that I contacted were not interested in my case and that put me in the situation of having to handle my own workers compensation claim while suffering from depression, forgetfulness, confusion and absence seizures.
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- Author Steven Magee
Plants can be affected by stray voltage and they may show stunted growth, deformed growth, or go dormant. In extreme cases they may die.
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- Author Steven Magee
Prince Andrew is a very interesting case study for sex researchers.
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- Author Steven Magee
The murder of Botham Jean appears to be a classic case of USA police training to shoot first and ask questions later.
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- Author Steven Magee
My lawyer informed me after my disability hearing that she believed she had won my case because it was so strong.
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- Author Steven Magee
When treating a single cancer case brings in one million dollars of revenue for corporate healthcare, you can be sure that you will receive the treatment and not the cure.
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