220 Quotes by Susan C. Young about attitude
- Author Susan C. Young
Guard your energy by setting boundaries, just saying 'no," and limiting your interactions with people who drain you. The measure—how do they make you feel?
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- Author Susan C. Young
Access your joy within; feel and focus on it, allowing it to expand to fill your entire being.
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- Author Susan C. Young
Use positive affirmations to shift your mindset and re-train your brain for positivity.
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- Author Susan C. Young
Be in the Now Moment—don’t squander your energy on a past you can’t change or a future which has not yet happened.
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- Author Susan C. Young
By establishing a strategic online presence through your website, social media, keywords, meta tags, and Google AdWords, the world may discover your expertise and "beat a path to your door.
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- Author Susan C. Young
Become a thought leader by taking an idea, belief, or process and turning it inside-out and upside-down. Bust beyond the box and shatter a few ceilings to go where no one has gone before. Make your mark by becoming a pioneer in your pursuits.
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- Author Susan C. Young
To position yourself as an expert, create content, write a book, build a blog, post on social media, and write articles for professional publications and news sites to build your intellectual portfolio of expertise. Repurpose content in a variety of ways.
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- Author Susan C. Young
Put in the time. To position yourself as an expert, practice, apply, experiment, volunteer, and work within your area of knowledge to deepen your own understanding as you build real-life experience.
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- Author Susan C. Young
To position yourself as an expert, learn everything you can about a subject. Develop your knowledge: read books, attend classes, listen to your market, get training, attend seminars, find a mentor, join a mastermind group of like-minded individuals, watch videos, and study.
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