64 Quotes by Swami Dhyan Giten about awareness
- Author Swami Dhyan Giten
Our basic relationship to sex mirrors our whole relationship to life.
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- Author Swami Dhyan Giten
Only when the seeker is lost, the truth is there. Seek, and you will miss. Seek not, and you will find. The very seeking becomes a barrier to truth, to the ultimate experience.
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- Author Swami Dhyan Giten
There is a very simple relationship between increased socioeconomic rifts in the society and increased violence, criminality, war, increased lack of trust between people, health problems and social exclusion - but it seems to be very difficult for people to understand this simple relationship.
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- Author Swami Dhyan Giten
Often we are identified with either the inner man or woman, while the other side is hidden and unexpressed. Outer relationships are a mirror of the relationship and communication between our own inner man and female side. Sometimes one side is dominant, while the other side is submissive.
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- Author Swami Dhyan Giten
Awareness is a choiceless consciousness. Awareness is the capacity to embrace, accept and include both joy and sadness, love and aloneness, light and darkness, male and female qualities and life and death. Through saying “yes” and accepting both tendencies and including whatever aspect that happens in the moment, we meet our unlimited and boundless inner being. The inner man and woman need to find their own independence and integrity.
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- Author Swami Dhyan Giten
It is when our inner male and female sides meets within ourselves that a new spark of love, joy, and wholeness arises within ourselves.
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- Author Swami Dhyan Giten
When both our inner man and woman takes responsibility for themselves and lives their own truth, a joy and love begins to flow naturally between them. Healing means to develop the inner man and woman so that love can flow between them. Healing is to learn to love both our inner man and woman. It is to learn to live the truth of both the inner man and woman.
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- Author Swami Dhyan Giten
I remember sitting and meditating beside a slow flowing river in India, and I got the feeling that this river could teach me all the secrets of the mystery of life. If we learn to surrender to a stone, a flower, to a man, to a woman, or a river, it becomes a door to the Whole.
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- Author Swami Dhyan Giten
In the therapeutic process based on awareness, there exists no ”I" – it just exists a presence, a light, a love and a silence.
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