74 Quotes by Tracy Malone about narcissism
- Author Tracy Malone
In order to be fearless, just “fear” less.
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- Author Tracy Malone
Remember 50/50 chance of survival is better than no chance. Use your 50% to teach them boundaries, self love and what abuse is.
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- Author Tracy Malone
Narcissists Cheat. If they have been caught in other lies, what makes you believe their cheating lies? What is your die hard boundary on cheating? Once? Twice? Remember your children are watching and learning how they should be treated. Stand up for them.
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- Author Tracy Malone
A Narcissist does not honor your boundaries and will get angry when you try to protect yourself.
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- Author Tracy Malone
He was the most charming man I had ever met, held doors open, escorted a lady by staying outside and always having an umbrella. But things changed, he had my son to control and he became jealous and mean. The charming man only came out when people were around. behind closed doors, he was grumpy, demanding, entitled, spoiled, angry & competitive. He is a narcissist.
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- Author Tracy Malone
Gaslighting is an attempt to change the truth.
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- Author Tracy Malone
Gaslighting is implanted narratives cloaked in secrecy.
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- Author Tracy Malone
Gaslighting is when you don’t remember things the same as they do.
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- Author Tracy Malone
Gaslighting are lies with a purpose to confuse and control.
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