4 Quotes by Will Advise about time
- Author Will Advise
If you have half a nothing - sell it for a double something, resell half at double-price, and buy another something and a half - how much nothing will you have two days from then? Like three. Because three is the short version of π, and π is involved in virtually anything, in some form, if you believe what the internet tells you.
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- Author Will Advise
Wasting time on timing stuff is a good way to save time from being wasted on other pointless activities like writing, reading, and sleeping.
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- Author Will Advise
I'm an oracle of the past. I can accurately predict up to 1 minute in the future, by thoroughly investigating the last 2 years of your life. Also, I look like an old database – flat and full of useless info.
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- Author Will Advise
Social networks are so full of wasted time - they could be compared to a waste disposal system. Flush, before you go and waste no time to go.
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