4 Quotes by Zachariah Renfro about finance
- Author Zachariah Renfro
There are and ought to be different principles of ethical allocation for different levels of income. Trying to apply principles meant for people in dissimilar situations than to one’s own can easily lead to ruin.
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- Author Zachariah Renfro
Overspending while trying to raise one’s status is a condition of economic materialism which hurts people financially, because it usually results in unnecessary debt. One does not raise social strata by buying things but instead by acquiring enough wealth to qualify for the next category of wealth.
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- Author Zachariah Renfro
It is in times of financial hardship that families must by necessity come closer together and reaffirm their love more frequently. Stress and hardship can destroy a family.
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- Author Zachariah Renfro
Remember that family is not just feeling that people have towards each other but a series of duties and responsibilities that must be fulfilled.
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