29 Quotes About Anthrax

  • Author Alex Kudera
  • Quote

    Save for the fit of bizarre laughter at the end, the man seems so calm, sensible, rational. Duffy wishes he met more like him. A bit paranoid about this terrorism business, but frankly, he might be right. You never know who is around the bend to blow you up, destroy your symbols, set your embassy on fire, shit on your toilet seat, or send anthrax swimming into the subway air and into everyone's lungs.

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  • Author Gary Matsumoto
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    I thought we stopped using grunts as guinea pigs decades ago. Even the Nazis didn't run medical experiments on their own troops in combat. This book explodes like a grenade in the Pentagon's privy. Red it and weep; better yet, get mad."Col. David H. Hackworth (U.S. Army, ret.)

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  • Author Christian Bök
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    Plasma blasts scald asphalt; napalm blasts parch macadam (glass shards act as haphazard abradants that sandblast all landwrack)...A mad labman at a lab crafts an anthrax gas that can waft past all walls at a stalag and harm war camps that lack standard gas masks.

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  • Author Alan Ackerman
  • Quote

    The market has weathered a poor earnings period and increased anthrax anxiety and has come out of it pretty well. I'm encouraged. The imminent economic stimulus package and Federal Reserve cuts are providing further encouragement,

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  • Author John Ashcroft
  • Quote

    anthrax present in any other facility anywhere else in the country ... (or) in a very broad presence in the facility in Florida.

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  • Author Ronald Atlas
  • Quote

    It's not just anthrax strains that this is going to help with, but all infectious diseases, in finding their sources.

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  • Author Tom Araya
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    When this genre of music started in America, Metallica was up north in California, we were in Southern California, Anthrax was on the East Coast. We each developed our own metal music, and after 30 years, we're still playing our metal music.

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  • Author Hilary Clinton
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    Rhetoric won't stop the spread of anthrax or smallpox. Rhetoric won't help the Coast Guard track ships that are carrying dangerous cargo. Rhetoric won't secure our chemical and nuclear power plants, ... We need to put our best ideas into practice and back them with resources.

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