34 Quotes About Antiquity
- Author Mary Shelley
You have not studied the histories of ancient times, and perhaps know not the life that breathes in them; a soul of beauty and wisdom which had penetrated my heart of hearts.
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- Author Gustave Flaubert
Les dieux n'étant plus et le Christ n'étant pas encore, il y a eu, de Cicéron à Marc Aurèle, un moment unique où l'homme seul a été.
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- Author Sarah B. Pomeroy
It is no surprise that the only woman in antiquity who could be the subject of a full-length biography is Cleopatra. Yet, unlike Alexander, whom she rivals as the theme of romance and legend, Cleopatra is known to us through overwhelmingly hostile sources. The reward of the ‘good’ woman in Rome was likely to be praise in stereotyped phrases; in Athens she won oblivion.
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- Author Kakuzō Okakura
Would that we loved the ancients more and copied them less! It has been said that the Greeks were great because they never drew from the antique.
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- Author Ian Fleming
It should have been the Arabian Nights, but to Bond, seeing it first above the tops of trams and above the great scars of modern advertising along the river frontage, it seemed a once beautiful theatre-set that modern Turkey had thrown aside in favour of the steel and concrete flat-iron of the Istanbul-Hilton Hotel, blankly glittering behind him on the heights of Pera.
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- Author William Hazlitt
The “olden times” are only such in reference to us. The past is rendered strange, mysterious, visionary, awful from this great gap in time that parts us from it, and the long perspective of waning years. Things gone by and almost forgotten, look dim and dull, uncouth and quaint, from our ignorance of them, and the mutability of customs. But in their day—they were fresh, unimpaired, in full vigour, familiar and glossy.
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- Author Andulairah
Should you see the light of your future, within the shadows of your present, The resilience of life dancing over vast deserts of death,Witness if you so shall, the majesty of Creation.The connectedness of All was and always will be. Entanglement? No. We call it Love.” ~ Sargon of Akkad 2345 B.C. Excerpt from Andulairah's upcoming book "The Erunisis Medallion
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- Author Henri Pirenne
L'Islam a rompu l'unité méditerranéenne que les invasions germaniques avaient laissé subsister.C'est là le fait le plus essentiel qui se soit passé dans l'histoire européenne depuis les guerres puniques. C'est la fin de la tradition antique. C'est le commencement du Moyen Age, au moment même où l'Europe était en voie de se byzantiniser.
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- Author A. H. Septimius
Educated and ambitious, with their own forthright opinions, the women of the Garvey set did more to determine political direction than many councillors. Their involvement in public life and political machinations was such that the Shylonian ambassador was able to report, to his monarch, that the women of the Garvey clique were ‘politicians first, homemakers second.
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