26 Quotes About Austin-kleon

Austin-kleon Quotes By Author

  • Author Austin Kleon
  • Quote

    Pablo Picasso was notorious for sucking the energy out of the people he met. His granddaughter Marina claimed that he squeezed people like one of his tubes of oil paints. You's have a great time hanging out all day with Picasso, and then you's go home nervous and exhausted, and Picasso would go back to his studio and paint all night, using the energy he'd sucked out of you.

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  • Author Austin Kleon
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    If I'd waited to know who I was or what I was about before I started "being creative," well, I'd still be sitting around trying to figure myself out instead of making things. In my experience, it's in the act of making things and doing our work that we figure out who we are.

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  • Author Austin Kleon
  • Quote

    In the meantime, if you're not into the world you live in, you can build your own world around you.[...]Surround yourself with books and objects that you love. Tape things up on the wall. Create your own world.

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