44 Quotes About Barefoot

  • Author Ana Claudia Antunes
  • Quote

    Trying to play my part and stay home, Burying my nose in a book like a gnome, But I know how Rapunzel felt in the tower When she wanted to feel the rain shower... It's like being in your forties out of a fort When your forte is dancing barefoot...Instead of being trapped I chose to cut short, To leave the port, And not go kaput!

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  • Author Richard Keith Frazine
  • Quote

    the sensations she was asking about were very pleasant; some of them were nothing short of delicious; but to know them one simply had to go barefoot. I could sense a mixture of envy and fearful reserve. It was time to tell her what another barefoot hiker had once told me, when I had stood, still shod, on the edge of wanting to go barefoot: "Take off your shoes.

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  • Author Catherynne M. Valente
  • Quote

    I see you go bare-shod. This is most likely extremely sensible. Shoes are no end of trouble for girls. . . . How many have danced to death in slippers of silk and glass and fur and wood? Too many to count—the graveyards, they are so full these days. You are very wise to let your soles become grubby with mud, to let them grow their own slippers of moss and clay and calluses. This is far preferable to shoes which may become wicked at any moment.

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