2,899 Quotes About Baseball
- Author John Grisham
That's sounds right. Another $5,000 went to dress up the Little League park where he had played so many games. Seems like he paid off the MORTAGE on his parents' home, which wasn't that much.
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- Author Katie McGarry
Baseball isn't just a game. It's the smell of popcorn drifting in the air, the sight of bugs buzzing near the stadium lights,the roughness of the dirt beneath your cleats. It's the anticipation building in your chest as the anthem plays, the adrenaline rush when your bat cracks against the ball, and the surge of blood when the umpire shouts strike after you pitch. It's a team full of guys backing your every move, a bleacher full of people cheering you on. It's...life
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- Author Garth Ennis
No, I would not say that assault with a baseball bat constitutes "justice being done.
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- Author Tucker Elliot
In high school I wrote an essay on baseball and my teacher told me I had to rewrite it on a more serious topic. So I wrote an essay about the World Series and my teacher gave up.
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- Author Oscar Gamble
They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
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- Author Kostya Kennedy
Check out my interview with Kostya Kennedy on themodern online. Sports Illustrated writer and author of Pete Rose: An American Dilemma. It may change your mind, one way or the other.
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- Author Dirk Lammers
The walk-off win provides one of baseball’s most thrilling outbursts, launching a couple dozen tense teammates out of the dugout into a frenzied mosh pit of elation.
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- Author Leo Durocher
The nice guys are all over there, in seventh place.
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- Author Roger Kahn
It is dangerous to spring to obvious conclusions about baseball or, for that matter, ball players. Baseball is not an obvious game.
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