54 Quotes About Bicycle

  • Author Rafael Alberti
  • Quote

    Yo sé que tiene alas.Que por las noches sueñaen alta voz la brisade plata de sus ruedas. Yo sé que tiene alas. Que canta cuando vueladormida, abriendo al sueñouna celeste senda. Yo sé que tiene alas.Que volando me llevapor prados que no acabany mares que no empiezan.Yo sé que tiene alas.Que el día que ella quiera,los cielos de la idaya nunca tendrá vuelta.

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  • Author Tom Babin
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    I slammed down on my hip first, followed by my shoulder, followed by my ego. It’s not often that I crash like this, but often enough that I’ve recognized a series of reactions that occurs by instinct rather than reason, which explains why they are so ridiculously misprioritized.1. First thought: “I’m never riding a bike again.”2. Pop quickly onto my feet, and then scan for bystanders to assess embarrassment level.3. Check bike for damage.4. Check body for damage.

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  • Author Antoine Wilson
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    and so I opened my eyes and I opened my mind and I saw something I never would have noticed on a bicycle unless I was going very, very fast down a very long hill. Because of the speed of the bus and how I was exerting no effort, the telephone wires on the side of the road, sagging between poles, went up and down with the same rhythm as my heartbeat.

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  • Author Ivan Illich
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    Avec un vélo, l'homme peut partager les bienfaits d'une conquête technique sans prétendre régenter les horaires, l'espace ou l'énergie d'autrui. Un cycliste est maître de sa propre mobilité sans empiéter sur celle des autres. Ce nouvel outil ne crée que des besoins qu'il peut satisfaire, au lieu que chaque accroissement de l'accélération produit par des véhicules à moteur crée de nouvelles exigences de temps et d'espace.

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