82 Quotes About Black-humor
- Author Timber Timbre
Oh, I buried my head in my handsI buried my heart there in the sandI was cocked, blocked, cured and charmedI was ferociously put upon until it was clearI should not keep on, I'll just creep on creepin' onYes I will, I'll not keep on, I'll just creep on creepin' on
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- Author John Cardinal O'Connor
Hvis jeg troede på en del af aviserne og en del af artiklerne, jeg læser, ville jeg frygte for min sikkerhed lige nu, fordi jeg sidder sammen med syv andre biskopper, som ikke har andet i hovedet end at forgribe sig på mig.
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- Author Alan Moore
You had a bad day once, am I right? I know I am. I can tell. You had a bad day and everything changed. Why else would you dress up like a flying rat?
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
siguió evocando hasta el amanecer las excelencias del marido, sin reprocharle otra deslealtad que la de haberse muerto sin ella, y redimida por la certidumbre de que nunca había sido tan suyo como lo era entonces, dentro de un cajón clavado con doce clavos de tres pulgadas, y a dos metros debajo de la tierra.—Soy feliz —dijo— porque sólo ahora sé con seguridad dónde está cuando no está en la casa.
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- Author Steve Martin
First the doctor told me the good news: I was going to have a disease named after me.
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- Author Pamela Branch
I didn't have a motive. I didn't to it. You did. What are you writing?""Motive - Don't know.""What do you mean Don't know? I tell you I hadn't got one. Put None.""You must have one. If you kill people without one, you're mad.
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- Author Jeffrey Rasley
He faces life in prison and the violent hostility of other prisoners. Jack Blair still believes love is the answer.
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- Author Sergei Lukyanenko
When people got old, why did they always develop a passion for scrabbling in the earth? Were they trying to get used to it?
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- Author Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan
Ongent just keeps huffing and puffing up the steps, as if he's out for an afternoon constitutional and his only worry is getting to the top of this little hill, not getting robbed and left in a ditch.She contemplates robbing him and leaving him in a ditch.
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