82 Quotes About Black-humor
- Author Ilze Falb
На стене висели мертвецы...Нет, какое-то не такое начало. Лучше так: на стене висели мертвые музыканты...Нет, снова не то.На стене висели плакаты с изображением музыкантов.
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- Author C.S. Pacat
You see?” said Laurent. “He has forgiven me for the small matter of the whip. I have forgiven him for the small matter of killing my brother. All hail the alliance.
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- Author Gillian Flynn
Americans like what is easy, and it's easy to like pregnant women - they're like ducklings or bunnies or dogs. Still, it baffles me that these self-righteous, self-enthralled waddlers get such special treatment. As if it's so hard to spread your legs and let a man ejaculate between them.
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- Author Barry Lyga
Jazz hadn't given her many details of exactly what life in the Dent house had been like, but he'd told her enough that she knew it wasn't hearts and flowers. Well, except for the occasional heart cut from a chest. And the kind of flowers you send to funerals.
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- Author Warren Ellis
Don't live with writers. Writers are bastards.
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- Author Thomas H. Carry
A freshly dead body at your feet is a real eye-opener. It makes a person take stock, assess life choices, confront long-dormant questions repressed by time and habit.
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- Author Philip Kerr
My only choice was between the disastrous and the unpalatable. A very German choice.
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- Author Jacques Carrié
Electrons who need electrons, but not people, Are the luckiest electrons in the world." --From the novel PAPELITOS by Jacques Carrié
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- Author Chiara Tangredi
Il giorno in cui sono morto era un giovedì. Per forza: il giovedì non mi è mai piaciuto. Non era previsto che morissi. Mi sono perso la scuola. Anche se, stranamente, quel giorno ci sarei voluto andare. Avrei fatto qualsiasi cosa. Tranne morire.
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