3,080 Quotes About Body

  • Author Dada Bhagwan
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    Pudgal’s [Complex of intake and output; body complex] nature is input (puran) and output (galan). If preference is given to smooth things, the same thing will come back being rough. Therefore make “friendship” with roughness. Make likable the very things you will not like. The Soul [Atma] has infinite facets. Whichever facet one turns to, He [The Soul] becomes like that facet.

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  • Author Richie Norton
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    You are not your brain. You are not your thoughts. You are not your feelings. You are not your money. You are not your home. You are not your team. You are not your body. You are not your strength. You are not your intelligence. You are not your business. You are not your work. You are not your posts. You are not your likes. You are not your views. You are not your subs. You are much better than that. Repeat.

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  • Author Dada Bhagwan
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    It is due to the inspiration from 'vyavasthit' (result of scientific circumstantial evidences) that the pudgal (non-Self complex) becomes the 'doer'. Outwardly, the pudgal appears to be the 'doer', but that is due to the evidence of 'vyavasthit' and in that too, it can happen only if the Soul (Atma) is present.

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