126 Quotes About Bonding
- Author Leslie K. Barry
With the card, there’s a photo of us from the day Yael taught me to box. The selfie in the mirror. I gulp at the image of our bodies together. My heart feels like its pumping tar through my veins. I wish I had the power to free my hands and shape my own life. But I don’t.
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- Author Kare Anderson
Problems rarely exist at the level at which they are expressed. If you are arguing for more than ten minutes then you are probably not discussing the real conflict.
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- Author Ran Abramitzky
Social rituals enhance social bonding between commune members and encourage togetherness, which increase members’ perceived value of the inside option and thus alleviate brain drain. Rituals also mitigate adverse selection by demanding a hard-to-fake, costly signal of commitment to the commune.
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- Author Gina Greenlee
When we establish human connections within the context of sharedexperience we create community wherever we go.
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- Author Lucy Foley
The rituals, the male bonding. When we get together there’s this kind of pack mentality. We get carried away.
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- Author Aspen Matis
Then she told me, “You have changed my son.” Her candid tone was blunt, and I loved her directness, unapologetic as the weather.
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- Author Will Craig
Accountability is the glue that bonds commitment to results.
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- Author Jennifer L. Armentrout
You grew up too fast, baby."Didn't always feel that way, especially this morning when I couldn't find my other flip-flop and I'd been, like, two seconds from kicking a fit.
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- Author Kare Anderson
Whatever most captures your mind controls your life.
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