7,712 Quotes About Books
- Author Andrei Tarkovsky
A book read by a thousand different people is a thousand different books.
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- Author Larry Smith
My first addiction was to books. -B. Chelsea Adams
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- Author A. Edward Newton
In an established love of reading there is a policy of insurance guaranteeing certain happiness till death.
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- Author علي عزت بيجوفيتش
القراءة المبالغ فيها لا تجعل منا أذكياء. بعض الناس يبتلعون الكتب, وهم يفعلون ذلك بدون فاصل للتفكير الضروري. وهو ضروري لكي يهضم المقروء ويبنى ويتبنى ويُفهم
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- Author Virginia Woolf
Often on a wet day I begin counting up; what I've read and what I haven't read.
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- Author Criss Jami
Old words are reborn with new faces.
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- Author Dorothy L. Sayers
Books... are like lobster shells, we surround ourselves with 'em, then we grow out of 'em and leave 'em behind, as evidence of our earlier stages of development.
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- Author Jean-Paul Sartre
I had found my religion: nothing seemed more important to me than a book. I saw the library as a temple.
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- Author Gianluca Frangella
– Io non potrò mai darti quel genere di sensazioni, mi dispiace.– Ed io non le voglio … perché ho capito che è facile innamorarsi di un mito. Chi non s’innamorerebbe di un attore bello e famoso? Chi rifiuterebbe un’attrice bella e famosa? Chi non resterebbe senza parole se qualcuno che ha carisma, ed è amato da tutti, decidesse di dargli attenzione?– Chi sa amarsi per quello che è e non per quello che vorrebbe essere.
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