64 Quotes About Borges
Borges Quotes By Author
- Author Jorge Luis Borges
A veces en las tardes una caraNos mira desde el fondo de un espejo;El arte debe ser como ese espejoQue nos revela nuestra propia cara.(At times in the evenings a faceLooks at us out of the depths of a mirror;Art should be like that mirrorWhich reveals to us our own face.)
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- Author Jorge Luis Borges
Equivocamos esa paz con la muertey creemos anhelar nuestro finy anhelamos el sueno y la indiferencia.(We mistake peace for deathand we believe we long for our endwhen what we long for is sleep and indifference.)
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- Author Jorge Luis Borges
The three of them knew it. She was Kafka’s mistress. Kafka had dreamt her. The three of them knew it. He was Kafka’s friend. Kafka had dreamt him. The three of them knew it. The woman said to the friend, Tonight I want you to have me. The three of them knew it. The man replied: If we sin, Kafka will stop dreaming us. One of them knew it. There was no longer anyone on earth. Kafka said to himself Now the two of them have gone, I’m left alone. I’ll stop dreaming myself.
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- Author Jorge Luis Borges
In the dreaming man's dream, the dreamed man awoke.
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- Author Jorge Luis Borges
To be not a man, but the projection of another man's dream- what incomparable humiliation, what vertigo!
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- Author Jorge Luis Borges
El concepto de arte comprometido es una ingenuidad porque nadie sabe del todo lo que ejecuta.(The notion of art as a compromise is a simplification, for no one knows entirely what they are doing.)
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- Author Jorge Luis Borges
To think is to forget a difference, to generalize, to abstract.
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- Author Jorge Luis Borges
Un idioma es una tradición, un modo de sentir la realidad, no un arbitrario repertorio de símbolos.(A language is a tradition, a way of grasping reality, not an arbitrary assemblage of symbols.)
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- Author Jorge Luis Borges
A writer always begins by being too complicated—he’s playing at several games at once.
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