480 Quotes About Boundaries
- Author Tracy Malone
Babies cry to get their needs met. Narcissists are great actors and often use tears as a tool of manipulations, this is an abuse tactic! Do not allow them to let this work as guilt, they are acting!
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- Author Tracy Malone
You have the right to set a boundary about anything you want. Define it, announce it, honor it.
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- Author Tracy Malone
A boundary is your souls wish for you to take care of yourself.
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- Author Dana Arcuri
The phrase “choose your battles wisely” means to be selective of how we spend our time and who we spend our time with. To be selective. To not join every argument or confrontation. To learn to walk away from unproductive battles.
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- Author Sahndra Fon Dufe
NoIs a complete sentence.It does not require any explanationor justification.Only, a just because.
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- Author Ehsan Sehgal
Love waves fragrance, hatred flows, the blaze, and idiocy showers smell. It effects without boundaries.
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- Author Charles Whitfield
Submitting to others, rather than affirming our own reality, is the heart of active co-dependence-we give up our own inner world in order to be accepted by others. Such co-dependence amounts to self-betrayal. We give up ourselves in order to please, satisfy or impress others. By betraying our True Self, our sense of integrity and wholeness suffers. Our spirit wilts. Having healthy boundaries enable us to move from self-betrayal to self-affirmation, self-regard, and self-trust
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- Author Jeanette LeBlanc
It can be said that we are built by many things. Biology and lineage. Grit and moonlight and ocean stone. By fire and water and air. By the lessons of the grandmothers and the pounding of blood through veins and the very first break. The way it felt when you learned the truth of boundary and by the day you stood there and knew nothing could every be the same.
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- Author J.R.R. Tolkien
Say rather that the Ring has no power over him. He is his own master. But he cannot alter the Ring itself, nor break its power over others. And now he is withdrawn into a little land, within bounds that he has set, though none can see them, waiting perhaps for a change of days, and he will not step beyond them.
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