83 Quotes by Dana Arcuri
Dana Arcuri Quotes By Tag
- Author Dana Arcuri
During our wilderness journey, the Lord offers us spiritual renewal. He calls us into sacred rest. It is a safe place of comfort. A peaceful haven. A sanctuary for our soul.
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- Author Dana Arcuri
I hear your soul cry. I know your shame. I understand your fears, tears, and trauma. Your story matters. Even if you tell it to one safe person, I encourage you to not keep it locked inside your heart. There is something empowering about having the courage to tell our story. To acknowledge, yes, it did happen. Yes, it really was that bad.
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- Author Dana Arcuri
A sacred wandering awakens you. It connects you to your authentic self. It can empower you to find your voice. To enlarge your vision. To nurture your soul. To create healthy boundaries. To bravely try something new.
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- Author Dana Arcuri
The wilderness journey is about transformation. For you, it could be a personal, spiritual, or professional drought. A desert season of confusion, frustration, and unproductivity. It's an in between stage. Something significant has ended or begun. Yet it provides opportunity for expansion, wisdom, and joy.
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- Author Dana Arcuri
Empowered, I began fighting for my passions. Fighting for my healing. Fighting for my inner peace. Fighting for authentic joy to wash over me. Fighting for my visions and goals.
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- Author Dana Arcuri
Our physical, emotional, and spiritual health requires rest. We need to take a break. We need to nurture ourselves. To take a time out to refuel, rejuvenate, and revive ourselves.
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- Author Dana Arcuri
Similar to a butterfly, I've gone through a metamorphosis, been released from my dark cocoon, embraced my wings, and soared!
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- Author Dana Arcuri
The beauty of adversity is that when we hit bottom, the only way to go is up.
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- Author Dana Arcuri
When we are stuck in a rut we are being invited to grow and expand.
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