217 Quotes About Brian

  • Author Kate Brian
  • Quote

    I was still alive. Ha! Take that kidnappers. Still alive. Maybe it was my butt that was feeding me. I always thought it was kind of round. I bet my body was eating up all the fat stores from my butt now. Yeah. See, having a big ass is a good thing. Good, good, good. They should put that in magazines. Why diet? Why stay thin? If you ever get kidnapped and left for dead, your fat ass could save your life!

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  • Author Stacia Kane
  • Quote

    I was thinking we could get a picture of you holding a pitchfork or something. Maybe a big wooden cross? Sound good?"(Brian)She stared at him. He lifted his hands and leaned back in his seat, as if he was afraid she might start spitting on him. "Hey, only joking." "Very funny." "Oh, I do love jokes." Greyson Dante stood by her side. "Hello, Mr. Dante. I'm afraid this is a private conversation, so you will, of course, be going now."His grin widened. Was there no way to insult the man?

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  • Author Simone Elkeles
  • Quote

    I'll tell you what's real. Real is that I was in jail for the past year, rooming with drug dealers and eating crap food your dog wouldn't touch. Real is not being able to wear your own frickin' underwear and showering with twenty-five other dicks every day while guards watch. Real is my next-door neighbor who walks like she's balancing on stilts because her leg is so fucked up from the accident. Brian, your perception of reality is totally off.

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  • Author Armistead Maupin
  • Quote

    Small world, huh?”She grinned lewdly. “Not particularly. I’d say you’ve just run out of material.

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  • Author Cherrie Lynn
  • Quote

    Brian must have heard the commotion, because he came up behind her and yanked the door all the way open. "You got a f**king problem with me, James?"James, ever the type to go off all half-cocked until things started to get serious, seemed to shrink a bit. "I've got a problem with you screwing my sister, yeah.""I suggest you get the f**k over it.

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  • Author Cherrie Lynn
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    That was the big cure-all with these people, wasn’t it? Girl got you down? Get laid. No money? Get laid. Armageddon ensuing? Get laid a lot.

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  • Author Cherrie Lynn
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    You always sound like you’re coping pretty well on the phone.”“Don’t be fooled. I have to maintain at least some shred of dignity. It’s all a front for you.

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  • Author Bruce Allen
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    We hope to have Chris and Brian next season. We would not have won the division without either one of them.

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