3,997 Quotes About Choices

  • Author Elizabeth Gilbert
  • Quote

    I've spent so much time these last years wondering what I'm supposed to be. A wife? A lover? A celibate? An Italian? A glutton? A traveler? An artist? A Yogi? But I'm not any of these things, at least not completely. And I'm not Crazy Aunt Liz, either. I'm just a slippery antevasin - betwixt and between - a student on the ever-shifting border near the wonderful, scary forest of the new.

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  • Author Chloe Thurlow
  • Quote

    Life is a long road with lots of junctions and every time you chose to go one way, you may just have easily have gone the other. We don't make choices so much as choices are made like a new fashion we slip into without realising.

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  • Author Alberts Bels
  • Quote

    Vajag izvēlēties grūtāko ceļu? Tās ir muļķības, ko sludina tie, kas nekādu ceļu nav izvēlējušies, kas ceļu nogājuši pa citu mugurām. [..] Es domāju, ka nevar runāt ne par vieglāko, ne par grūtāko ceļu. Jāizvēlas vienīgais ceļš. Tāds ir jāatrod, un vienīgi ejamais ceļš tad reizē ir pats grūtākais un pats vieglākais. Te nevar būt cita risinājuma.

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  • Author Steve Knox
  • Quote

    Love is easy early on...its when the busyness of life creeps in and felling ebb and flow that real love shines through in small choices.

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