74 Quotes About Cold-war
- Author John le Carré
Een beetje ouderwets misschien, maar wie was dat tegenwoordig niet? Ouderwets, maar toch loyaal ten opzichte van zijn eigen tijd. Op een zeker ogenblik moet tenslotte elk mens een keus maken: zal hij vooruit gaan, of zal hij achteruit gaan? Het was geen schande, als je je niet door elke moderne windvlaag liet meenemen. Je kon maar beter je eigenwaarde in stand houden, je verschansen, en als een eik te midden van je eigen generatie staan.
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- Author Ronald Reagan
Here's my strategy on the Cold War: we win, they lose.
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- Author Bill Fairclough
Don't ask me, I'm British.
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- Author David Rees
And you know what happened next in my dream? Dick Cheney and I said the same thing at the same time: "Well, we had a Cold War to win." And then I screamed at him: "I KNEW you would say that! You ALWAYS say that!" But then, since Cheney and I made the same remark at the same time, I realized he owed me a Coke. So I said, "Jinx! You owe me a Coke!" And Vice-President Dick Cheney smiled sheepishly. *Shudder*... I don't even DRINK coke. I tastes like robot sweat.
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- Author B.J. Hollars
A generation of school-aged children swallowed the lie that we fed them. Their parents swallowed it, too. Not because they believed it, but because hope was more palatable than hopelessness. The truth, of course, was that no "duck and cover" technique could ever deflect a bomb.
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- Author George Orwell
Portakal var, limon var, diye çalar çanları St. Clement'inNerde benim üç çeyreğim, diye çalar çanları St. Martin'in!Ödesene şu borcunu,' diye çalar çanları Old Bailey'nin,'Hele bir zengin olayım,' diye çalar çanları Shoreditch'in.
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- Author Marlon James
—Do you know what we mean by Cold War?—War don’t have no temperature.
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- Author Lyndon B. Johnson
Victory is no longer a truth. It is only a word to describe who is left alive in the ruins
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- Author Sándor Márai
I returned from the West, and brought home in my nostrils and nerves that benumbing lethargy, imprudent hostility, and arrogant superiority with which the West viewed the fate of Eastern Europe.
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