36 Quotes About Comedy-romance

  • Author R.S. Grey
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    His short hair is damp and a few strands are plastered to his forehead. His eyes are bluer than blue when he assesses me coolly. "Ready for me?"DEAR GOD YES.

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  • Author R.S. Grey
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    I'd have provided her with diagrams and flow charts. But, Sam ruined that day she told the school we weren't dating. Sharks prowl in the water now, and I'll be damned if I step aside now and let Logan woo her with coffee and cheap teddy bears. It's time to break out the big guns: Signor Armani.

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  • Author Eliah Greenwood
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    Still here?” he drawls when he notices me.“Still a presumptuous asshole?” I snap back.I expect him to double down on the nasty replies, to crush me with spite, so you can imagine my surprise when he clamps his mouth shut, the corners of his lips twitching into a small smile. His pale eyes rake over my face for a second too long, and I squirm under his undivided attention.Why, oh why, does he have to look like that?Low blow, Life, low blow.

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  • Author Eliah Greenwood
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    So, tell me, Love,” Dad asked as I stared at my new friend with beady eyes. “What kind of person do you want to be in life? A butterfly?” He paused. “Or a caterpillar?

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  • Author Eliah Greenwood
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    I have to warn you, if you check your phone one more time, it might break,” I tease, and he flashes an adorable, guilty grin. I’m talking the kind that could melt through steel and nurse a broken heart back to health.“That obvious, huh?”“A little bit.”His grin morphs into a full-blown smile. “Busted.

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