48 Quotes About Commercialism
- Author Craig ferguson
There's a commercial break coming and I'm very excited about it and you know why? Because that's what keeps daddy in suits.
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- Author Gideon Haigh
Since inception, the IPL has worn its brand value like a corroboration of inner virtue. On the eve of this tournament, under the headline 'Brand IPL touches the sky', the league's website reverberated with the announcement that Brand Finance, a branding consultancy, had valued the brand value of the IPL brand at $4.13 billion worth of brand—which is a lot of brand, brand-wise.
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- Author Gideon Haigh
The assumption now is that the interests of the brand and of the game overlap to the degree that cricket need hardly be mentioned.
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- Author Bryant McGill
Humanity has been institutionalized and we are all the products of commercial and institutional life.
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- Author Christopher Isherwood
They saw themselves as rear-guard individualists, making a last-ditch stand against the twentieth century. They gave thanks loudly from morn till eve that they had escaped the souldestroying commercialism of the city. They were tacky and cheerful and defiantly bohemian, tirelessly inquisitive about each other's doings, and boundlessly tolerant. When they fought, at least it was with fists and bottles and furniture, not lawyers.
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- Author Joe Haldeman
But I decided that buying the gift was more for me than for her, anyhow. A commercial kind of substitute for prayer.
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- Author Pam Jones
On the day the park opened, half the state must have turned up. California weddings that June were small in attendance, the bride, groom, and guests quitting the ceremony for their cars after the second "I do"; especially hasty couples did away with the festivities altogether and simply took their vows en route to the park.
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- Author Jill Conner Browne
Daddy always pointed out, it should come as no surprises to anyone that merchants want to move their wares-it's sorta what they do, after all. But that's just BUSINESS and that has nothing to do with CHRISTMAS.
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- Author James Rozoff
The town they entered differed little from any other he had been in lately. The ubiquitous Perkins, Applebees, Buffalo Wild Wings, Qdoba, and Panda Express were situated around the central hub that was Walmart, like appendages of some spider or octopus. Like some metastasizing tumor that threatened to overwhelm the town.
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