92 Quotes About Connecting
- Author Dipti Dhakul
Architecture Means, Connecting the Unconnected.
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- Author Vera Nazarian
Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey.At other times, it is allowing another to take yours.
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- Author Michelle Tillis Lederman
Confidence comes from managing our self-doubts and accepting the fact that we are working on bettering our imperfections, even while appreciating these imperfections as qualities that make us unique and likable.
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- Author loren weisman
The more you engage and connect, the more engagements and connections you will have.
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- Author a.b. shepherd
Sitting outside on a dark night, under the stars, invites confidences amongst people of all ages, and all walks of life. It invokes an intimacy you don’t find under most other circumstances.
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- Author Kim Ha Campbell
top connecting with the world. Connect with yourself on your beach. Stop thinking. Stop analyzing. Start feeling. Start dreaming.
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- Author Gudjon Bergmann
Bridges are made with intention. They make it possible to go between two places that were previously difficult to access.
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- Author David Levithan
Your Temporary Santa, "He says presents aren't important, but I think they are- not because of how much they cost, but for the opportunity they provide to say 'I understand you.
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- Author Michele Jennae
Social Media isn't about reach as much as it is about "reach out".
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