361 Quotes About Courageous

  • Author Gregory David Roberts
  • Quote

    I'd learned more about her in that exhausted, murmuring hour than in all the many months before it. Lovers find their way by such insights and confidences: they're the stars we use to navigate the ocean of desire. And the brightest of those stars are the heartbreaks and sorrows. The most precious gift you can bring to your lover is your suffering. So I took each sadness she confessed to me, and pinned it to the sky.

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  • Author Euginia Herlihy
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    To be ignored or rejected by people you know doesn't change God's plan about your life and your dreams He has given you. His plan about your life is wayward than the man's approval of your creativity. Keep moving forward with your head held high.

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  • Author Osho
  • Quote

    You were born as a no-mind. Let this sink into your heart as deeply as possible because through that, a door opens. If you were born as a no-mind, then the mind is just a social product. It is nothing natural, it is cultivated. It has been put together on top of you. Deep down you are still free, you can get out of it. One can never get out of nature, but one can get out of the artificial any moment one decides to.

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  • Author Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana
  • Quote

    You don’t become tough by just wishing it. You become tough by being hit so many times by people’s, and especially life’s blows--that you eventually learn how to avoid the blows, and most importantly be more strategic about survival. So, if you being “hit” Left, East and Center today, trust me when I say that: “thank God for the training.

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  • Author Craig D Lounsbrough
  • Quote

    Too often instead of taking a stand we try to take the shortest route directly out of wherever we’ve found ourselves standing.

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