203 Quotes About Phylosophy

Phylosophy Quotes By Author

  • Author Michael Levy
  • Quote

    Have you ever thought about doing something then forgot all about it and it never got done? Well, when many folks get to the end of their lives they will say, if only I would have lived a more joyful life but I forgot the reason I was put on earth... Don't become one of them.

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  • Author Tony Robbins
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    Remember: money doesn't change people. It just magnifies who they already are: if you have a lot of money and you're mean, then you have more to be mean with; if you have a lot of money and you're generous, you'll naturally give more.

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  • Author Luis Landero
  • Quote

    ...pensar supone siempre un riesgo, y que el mejor lugar para filosofar está precisamente en la frontera entre la luz y las tinieblas, en ese claroscuro donde todo es incierto, y al lado mismo del vacío, entre lo estable y lo precario, allí donde las palabras se juntan un momento en tropel, prefiguran un edificio de clarividencia y se precipitan luego en el olvido. "El abismo es el ágora de nuestro tiempo" solía decir mientras se columpiaba en el alféizar.

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