351 Quotes About Creative-process

  • Author Hermann Hesse
  • Quote

    Mû par un besoin obscur, je me mis à peindre tout de suite avec des couleurs très vives. Sur ma feuille, la tête de l’oiseau était jaune d’or. En me laissant guider par ma fantaisie, je continuai mon travail et, en peu de jours, j’eus terminé.

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  • Author Greg Hickey
  • Quote

    I decided to write Parabellum because I was personally baffled by the frequency of mass shootings in the United States. The Sandy Hook school shooting was the once that really got the wheels turning. I just couldn't understand why anyone would do such a thing, and I felt compelled to grapple with all the issues at play.

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  • Author Susan McBride Els
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    And yet, the real pressure of writing or any creative endeavor is not that it takes large blocks and countless snitches of time, but that it requires stepping out of time into receptive, intuitive, attentive focus of nevertime. It is not so much the depletion of time that is worrisome, but the leaving of it.

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  • Author Yuto Tsukuda
  • Quote

    You're kidding! Spiny lobster and banana mousse wrapped in Katafai dough and then roasted?!Something that should have been a weak grilled dessert turned into that fragrant of a masterpiece just by roasting it instead?!And taking a pressed and dried Vessie, reconstituting it with some water and then using it as a casing to braise meats?! I've never heard of that kind of cooking method!What's his thought process?! How does his mind even work?!

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