3,162 Quotes About Culture

  • Author Mahmoud Darwish-محمود درويش
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    إن طبيعة أية ثقافةٍ أصيلة، باعتبارها وطنية وإنسانية في آنٍ معاً، تجعلها قادرة على صيانة خصوصيتها وهويتها في الوقت الذي تتفاعل فيه وتتحاور مع الثقافات الأخرى التي تُكَوِّن، بمجموعها، الثقافة العالمية.

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  • Author Kilroy J. Oldster
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    A great deal of the global stimuli that we view comes to us without major effort. Daily a person scans and screens a wide barrage of solicited and unsolicited material. What information a society pays attention to creates the standards and principles governing citizens’ life. A nation’s discourse translates its economic, social, and cultural values to impressionable children.

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  • Author Momus
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    Life on earth survives thanks to diversity, says Sekunda, because changing circumstances means today's winners can suddenly become tomorrow's losers. When the meteor hits, when the Green Revolution fails, when the bees unexpectedly die, the kind of anomalous diversity found in the Galapagos Islands—or in the technology of Japan—is exactly what will save us from the most dangerous failure of all: global success.

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  • Author Imbolo Mbue
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    Its regurgitation in newspapers of record and blogs of repute would be another reminder why the American society as a whole could never be call itself highbrow, why its easy availability of of stories on the private lives of others was turning adults, who would otherwise be enriching their minds with worthwhile knowledge, into juveniles who needed the satisfaction of knowing that others were more pathetic than them.

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