3,162 Quotes About Culture

  • Author Jonathon Miller Weisberger
  • Quote

    Like the burning of the ancient library at Alexandria or the supremely ignorant incineration of stacks of invaluable Mayan codices, the loss of knowledge we are experiencing as the last of the traditional elders pass from this physical plane of existence without heirs to their knowledge- as well as the very environment in which sacred plants grow- is a tragedy occurring right now as you read these lines, one that could well be beyond redemption.

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  • Author A.P.
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    Obscenity is a function of culture - a function in the mathematical sense, I mean, its value changing with that of the variables on which it depends.

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  • Author Wolfram Eilenberger
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    Mainittakoon lyhyesti, että kiroilussa suomalainen on tasapainon vaalija, siis keskitien kulkija. Sillä siinä missä romaanisten kielten puhuja keskittyy toisia tai itseään häväistääkseen genitaalialueeseen ja germaani pysyttelee tiukasti anaalilinjalla, suomlainen hallitsee sekä uloste- että genitaalirekisterin ja rikastaa sadatteluaan vielä perkeleen tai itsensä saatanan kaltaisella demonikuvastolla. Tämän herkän kielen rumin ilmaus on naisen sukuelintä tarkoittava diabolinen manaus.

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  • Author John Rush
  • Quote

    The growth patterns of mushrooms are difficult to view since they come and go so quickly, appearing and disappearing overnight as if by magic. Their apparent lack of seed is another feature that was likely observed by early peoples who encountered them, perhaps providing further mystery as to the origin of the strange organisms.

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  • Author John Rush
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    Cannabis is renowned as a powerful hallucinogen in large doses, and certainly capable of inducing profound ecstatic ecstatic states. Anyone who who doubts this has clearly not experienced its effects.

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  • Author John Rush
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    There are numerous historical reports as well as visual images that link mushroom consumption to the ritual of sacrifice. These include bloodletting, penis perforation, and even the improbable act of self-decapitation.

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  • Author John Rush
  • Quote

    Several centuries ago it was believed that the fly agaric, combined with the bufotenin–containing mucus of toads, was an ingredient of witches' brews, which made flying on their broomsticks possible. Even Santa Claus and Father Christmas are connected to Fly Agaric and their reindeer, which, by the way, like their portion of fly agarics and 'living' water.

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  • Author John Rush
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    Due to their soft bodies and ephemeral nature, it is unlikely that biological evidence of mushrooms will even be discovered in the archaeological record. This fact poses certain difficulties in determining the antiquity of modern cultural uses of psychoactive mushrooms, like those in Mexico and Siberia, and makes it even more difficult to determine whether psychoactive mushrooms were recognized and used by historical culture groups that are now extinct.

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