53 Quotes About Deadlines

  • Author Sarah Manguso
  • Quote

    The fastest way to revise a piece of work is to send it, late at night, to someone whose opinion you fear. Then rewrite it, praying you'll finish in time to send a new version by morning.

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  • Author Patrick S. Tomlinson
  • Quote

    You're just going to have to accept that people are *never* ready in times like these. Page-turners and bolt-tighteners always demand more time than external forces permit. That's your job. My job is to remind you the real world and the people cutting our checks don't care. So get us as ready as you can in a week, and maybe find yourself a little helping of faith.

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  • Author Courtney Summers
  • Quote

    ...a deadline should not prevent you from writing, but writing will help prevent you from missing your deadline. Then write a word. Then remind yourself of that again. And then write another and hey, look at you! You’re spitting in that deadline’s eye.

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