128 Quotes About Devotional
- Author Dana Arcuri
The truth is that each of us fall short of loving unconditionally. We don't love others the way God loves us. Yet Jesus extended perfect love by living and dying for all of our sins. In spite of our failures, weaknesses, and selfishness, He sacrificed His own life so we could have eternal life.
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- Author Dana Arcuri
Although we may encounter dark seasons, when we're filled with joy we'll have confident expectations that the sun will soon return and dark clouds will pass.
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- Author Dana Arcuri
You see, God didn't create us to merely survive. He created us to thrive! We were made for abundant life.
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- Author Dana Arcuri
When we no longer have the strength to keep on walking, God will carry us. His strength is enough for you and I.
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- Author Dana Arcuri
In essence, joy is the quiet confidence that everything will work out right. The best part of being filled with joy is that it's contagious. Your joy overflows. You can't keep it to yourself. It spills over to touch other lives in such a marvelous way. People around you want to be in your company. You lift their spirits!
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- Author Dana Arcuri
God is calling you to relinquish your old habits and beliefs that are holding you back from being all He called you to be. To trust that He has something bigger and better in store for you.
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- Author Jim George
The Bible strongly encourages us to get involved in discipleship.
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- Author Adrian Patenaude
By laying down our burden of needing to be needed and surrendering our longing for significance, we strike down the lie that we must somehow earn our privilege to exist. We declare that any activity with God is sacred, no matter how frivolous it may seem to the outside world. And we are free to enjoy the simple act of creation because we know that every good and perfect gift comes from God.
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- Author Geoff Gentry
Our creating is a product of all of our life. We live integrated existences of soul and blood and music and wonder and ink and earth and dreams and stars and words and history. We must become creative people who remember the things that carried us forward.
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