93 Quotes About Eagle

Eagle Quotes By Author

  • Author Mehmet Murat ildan
  • Quote

    The eagle is wise because he looks everywhere, not somewhere. If you want to raise wise people, raise people who look everywhere, not somewhere! Let them know all the ideas, let them travel on all roads! Let them walk in the light and in the dark! Above all, let them make a habit of doubting what they have been taught!

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  • Author Arzum Uzun
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    And then you leave the memories behind.When you look at the pictures It seems like it was always fun. But you know thatin that photos everyone was actually broken deep down inside. Wounded. Bleeding. Crying and yelling at the same time.They were some kinda wounded birds... Eagles, wrens... When you remind that, you became some kinda phoenix. And life goes on like this.like an uncomplete poem.

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