326 Quotes About Egoism

  • Author Dada Bhagwan
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    A king will say 'I killed thousands of people'. He is simply doing egoism; he is taking pleasure in taking credit of doership (garva ras). They were killed by those who were on the battle field. Why does the king needlessly take on the liability [of new karmic causes]? In doing so, those who did the killing are set free. The rule is that the liability falls upon the one doing egosim [of doerhip].

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  • Author Dada Bhagwan
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    Saiyam (a state free of anger-pride-deceit-greed, attachment and abhorrence) cannot be attained through egoism. Renunciation can take place through egoism. In renouncing, doership is required, there needs to be a doer of the renunciation.

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  • Author Elmar Hussein
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    The paradox of any religion is that it teaches you to be humanist, but in most cases it is merely attracted by more egoist and selfish minds in order to avoid punishment and to be rewarded afterlife. The more egocentric someone is, the more pleasures he would like to get after life. No egocentric mind can content himself with finite mundane pleasures, instead his pleasures should be infinite, lasting forever without any spatio-temporal limitation.

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