798 Quotes About Endurance

  • Author Abiodun Fijabi
  • Quote

    The road may be long, tortuous and wearied. But the resulting success is enduring, sure and sweet. The fool abandons hope in the wearied journey of life. The wise gets going - holding firmly to the promise of a better tomorrow. He that gives up too soon fails to understand that life rewards with success only those who cling on to hope against hope. Those who hope when it is unfashionable to hope.

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  • Author Janene Wolsey Baadsgaard
  • Quote

    Sometimes, for the present," I said, turning to April, "all we can do is hold on. Sometimes it's that ability, and that ability alone, that gets us through the rough parts. But if we do hold on, then eventually the storm does pass and the sun comes out and we can go on again.

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