274 Quotes About Engagement

  • Author Sophie Kinsella
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    Becky --" he begins, and there's a tiny intake of breath around the churchyard. "Will you--" "Yes! Yeee-esssss!" I hear the joyful sound ripping through the churchyard before I even realize I've opened my mouth. I'm so charged up with emotion, my voice doesn't even sound like mine. In fact, it sounds more like...Mum.I don't believe it.

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  • Author loren weisman
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    By thinking about gearing the message to the existing customer, the familiar with you but hasn’t converted person and the individual that has no idea who you are… (your three audiences) with the same content, you build a greater bond, better relationships, and an endurance audience.

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  • Author loren weisman
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    Everybody and their mother has a book and a podcast these days. Instead of telling people to check it out, (like everyone else already does)...Give them reasons to check it out. Tell them what your content is about, why you are sharing it and who would like it. Engage!

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  • Author Joanne Richoux
  • Quote

    « Être engagé », c’est un concept bidon. C’est balancer des citations cyniques sur les réseaux sociaux, basta. Parce que quand on a la santé, un toit au-dessus de la tête et un boulot, on a trop à perdre pour se mouiller. On est une génération de résignés. On sait qu’on a perdu la partie, alors tout ce qu’on trouve à faire, c’est pester contre les règles.

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