119 Quotes About Epiphany

  • Author Dean Koontz
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    Every life led to a series of quiet epiphanies - or at least to opportunities for epiphanies - and Chyna was washed by a poignant new grief when she thought about this grim aspect of the Templeton family's interrupted journeys. The kindnesses they might have done for others. The love they might have given. The things they might have come to understand in their hearts.

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  • Author Benson Bruno
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    Afternoon experience: autographing exposed legs, outstretched in lines like matchsticks. Afternoon epiphany: Those with smooth, hairless legs would soon lose all evidence of my contact when the sweat causes the ink from the marker to run. I am ephemeral. Skepticism would be the reaction to those with thick leg hair, as their curls frazzle the lines of my name outward illegibly. Among the scaly-legged, I flaked off immediately, like I never was at all.

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  • Author Jeffrey A. Lockwood
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    The epiphany was simply tucked away for consideration after we were back on campus. Sometimes a revelation comes with a flash of heavenly light and a booming voice - and sometimes it is jotted in a sun-bleached spiral notebook.

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  • Author Victoria Sue
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    It was said that only in the second before death that you had a life defining moment of clarity. It was ironic and so very telling that his last vision, his last hope wasn't of a beautiful queen with long blonde hair and a neck dripping in jewels. It was of a wicked grin, and a cute smile, and the black curls that felt so good running through his fingers, and the full lips that felt even better

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