122 Quotes About Evolutionary-psychology

  • Author Katerina Kostaki
  • Quote

    What is the Conscious leap?Conscious leap is a term that refers to a process of change.It specifies a particular point in the process where a change cannot be undone or reversed.The leap is the singularity point ,the point of no return.It will be a fundamental change in everybody's way of living.Not everybody will remain alive during this turbulent phase.Thought of the Day

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  • Author Douglas T. Kenrick
  • Quote

    If there is any hope for changing the world for the better, from reducing family violence to reversing overpopulation and international conflict, economists, educators, and political leaders will need to base their interventions on a sound understanding of what people are really like, not on some fairy-tale version of what we would like them to be.

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  • Author Yuval Noah Harari
  • Quote

    Sapiens know these cooperative tricks well. They sometimes form power hierarchies similar to those of common chimpanzees, whereas on other occasions they cement social bonds with sex just like bonobos. Yet ... you cannot settle the Greek debt crisis by inviting Greek politicians and German bankers to either a fist fight or an orgy.

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  • Author Russell Brand
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    There's no biological reason why a man shouldn't just try to have sex with every woman he meets - all of them get pregnant and your genetics are winning.Russell Brand

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  • Author Steven Mithen
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    The two centrepieces of social intelligence are the possession of extensive social knowledge about other individuals, in terms of knowing who allies and friends are, and the ability to infer the mental states of those individuals.

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  • Author Steven Mithen
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    It is because of this notion [of species essence] that we demand that a severely brain-damaged person should have the same rights as a university professor, or a physically disabled person the same rights as an Olympian sportsman. They are all 'human', whatever their intellectual and physical abilities.

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  • Author Robert Kegan
  • Quote

    Piaget may 'be about' stages or cognitive development only in the way that Newton 'is about' gravity, or Columbus the West Indies, or Jefferson reconciling the claims of the individual with claims of the state, or Joyce a literary approach to consciousness. These were the 'problems' that consumed these men and they resolved them brilliantly - but so brilliantly that the resolutions become Trojan horses lying in wait to reveal what they were really about.

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