389 Quotes About Fatherhood
- Author Andrew Jalbert
As is so often the case with the dreams we had when we were young, most are slowly eroded away by time, circumstance, or reason until their remnants are so faint, we don’t seriously consider chasing after them anymore.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
If you can't afford to give your child the right to pursue their dreams, you have no right to breed.
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- Author Dr. Tony Beizaee
When you learn to live unselfishly in united adoration of your beloved family, you have fulfilled the art of Fatherhood.
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- Author Lamine Pearlheart
Let the infant make his first steps on his own; the first urge to walk, just like that of being, must come from him or her alone. - Primal Rule of Parenthood
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- Author Josh Hatcher
So, you’re handed a baby and a new name (Daddy) and you now have to choose to accept the challenge. Here’s the thing. I don’t believe that rejecting it’s an option. I mean, people DO reject it. But you shouldn’t. You choose then and there to be a father. And you make that choice, day in and day out to make sure their needs are met, that the example is set for them, that they are loved, cherished, corrected, and challenged. You have to choose it.
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- Author Josh Hatcher
Remember the end goal You are trying to make a full grown human capable of surviving in the wild on their own. You aren't going to keep them forever. You can't make them live your life for you. You can't coddle them and do everything for them. You are preparing them to leave you. Don't lose sight of that!
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- Author Josh Hatcher
Your kids need you to be present - but that doesn’t mean in the building, playing X-Box and yelling at them. Change diapers. Show them how to treat their mother by treating her good yourself. Tell them that you love them. Laugh with them.
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- Author Josh Hatcher
Start training and teaching your children young. The later you start, the harder it is. What you teach them now, for better or worse will be the foundation of the rest of their lives.
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- Author Josh Hatcher
You have ONE job as a parent.Raising a responsible human being.If you don't set high expectations for that human being - the world will have yet another crappy human being.Give them chores. Force them to do them
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