282 Quotes About Freedom-of-thought
- Author Mwanandeke Kindembo
You must allow your free-will to roam as freely as you want and delve deep into your dreams. Never limit yourself nor live according to the appetite of someone else.
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- Author Jonathan Glover
The first step away from being manipulated, and towards a more autonomous outlook, is to stand back from a set of responses and think.
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- Author Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Free your mind from the prison of your past. Time has allowed you to grow and develop into the person you're meant to be. Now, you are living a purposed filled life.
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- Author T.J. Dixon
I know the difference between reality and fantasy. Those with sick fantasies who know and respect this difference are much less dangerous than those with no fantasies at all, but who can’t tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
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- Author Louise Sommer
Storytelling is an essential part of our cultural and human identity...when we become afraid of stories outside the mainstream, I believe we have lost a valuable part of our cultural inheritance and growth.
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- Author United Nations
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
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- Author Raquel Cepeda
Foisting an identity on people rather than allowing them the freedom and space to create their own is shady.
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- Author Heather Marsh
A person who takes your idea and information to use and build upon is your collaborator, tester and colleague. A person who takes your credit or your voice is your enemy, a thief who steals your societal recognition and approval for themselves and would be your tyrant.
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- Author Heather Marsh
The first right of any person in any society must be the right to communicate. Without communication there is no way to safeguard our other rights or for us to participate fully in a society. When your right to communicate is interrupted by those who would be your voice, your face or your representative, you are being subjected to the governance of another.
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