49 Quotes About Race-in-america

  • Author Annie Lowrey
  • Quote

    Of course, as the United States built a safety net that excluded and punished black families, it created a wealth-building apparatus to buoy and enrich white ones. It is not market forces and individual effort alone that determine who succeeds and prospers and who remains impoverished and excluded in the United States, but government policy and deep-seated cultural and societal mores.

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  • Author Ta-Nehisi Coates
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    Forget about intentions. What any institution, or its agents, 'intend' for you is secondary… The point of this language of 'intention' and 'personal responsibility' is broad exoneration. Mistakes were made. Bodies were broken. People were enslaved. We meant well. We tried our best. 'Good intention' is a hall pass through history, a sleeping pill that ensures the Dream.

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  • Author Jaswinder Bolina
  • Quote

    The thing I least believe about race in America is that we can disregard it. I'm nowehere close to alone in this, and yet the person I encounter far more often than the racist is the one who believes race isn't an active factor in her thinking, isn't an influence on his interactions with the racial other.

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