40 Quotes About Friendliness
- Author christopher gregas
Don’t just treat your prospects as someone to get into your business. Treat them as a friend. Ask them about their family and lives. Get to know them. All of your interactions with your prospects don’t have to be exposures where you talk about the opportunity. People want to know you care first.
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- Author Hyeonseo Lee
He showed me that there was another world where strangers helped strangers for no other reason than that it is good to do so, and where callousness was unusual, not the norm.
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- Author Gerald Morris
Once she exclaimed, "But I always thought that sorceresses were evil!""What do you mean 'evil'?"Lynet has never considered the question. "You know," she said, after a moment, "unfriendly to people.""People!" repeated Morgana derisively. "As if humans were all that mattered. Just once I'd like to see people judged by how friendly they are to sorceresses.
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- Author David McCullough
The author perceptively outlines what might be an underrated aspect of his subject and of many others whose public achievements are of note – a "gift for friendship". McCullough says Adams, despite his towering intellect and curmudgeonly demeanor, had a soft heart for other people and a genuine interest in their particulars.
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- Author Fernando Pessoa
In this world we're all travelers on the same ship that has set sail from one unknown port en route to another equally foreign to us; we should treat each other therefore with the friendliness due to fellow travelers.
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- Author Dan Pearce
When you do talk to people, share what you are. Stop focusing on all the things that you aren’t. Stop focusing on all of the physical features that you think people won’t like about you. Stop focusing on your inabilities or lack of talent. Instead, focus on those physical features that you know people already love about you. Focus on your abilities and the talents that you do have. You have been blessed with all of the above, and that makes you worth getting to know in my book.
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- Author Dan Pearce
Smile at people everywhere you go. Don’t just give them one of those half-smirk/head nod things. Raise your eyebrows, show those teeth, and chuckle while you smile. Next time you’re at the store, give a full-hearted smile to at least three complete strangers. You’ll be amazed at what this does for them and for you.
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- Author Anthony Liccione
Friendliness can fade away, but true friends are forever.
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- Author Gary Shteyngart
After he had taught himself to be friendly, everything else became harder. He had to let go of his nerdy passions. He couldn't do both at once.
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