40 Quotes About Friendliness
- Author G.K. Chesterton
All true friendliness begins with fire and food and drink and the recognition of rain or frost. ...Each human soul has in a sense to enact for itself the gigantic humility of the Incarnation. Every man must descend into the flesh to meet mankind.
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- Author Jennifer Latson
All of us risk being taken advantage of to some degree, but what would it be like to go through life this irremediably vulnerable, biologically unable to peel your heart from your sleeve and lock it safely inside?
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- Author Jennifer Latson
They hold up a mirror to the part of ourselves we're trying our best to conceal: that utterly defenseless, deeply tender inner part that yearns for connection and kindness- and can be so easily crushed.
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- Author Tony Horwitz
The first thing you notice, coming to Israel from the Arab world, is that you have left the most courteous region of the globe and entered the rudest. The difference is so profound that you're left wondering when the mutation in Semitic blood occurred, as though God parted the Red Sea and said: "Okay, you rude ones, keep wandering toward the Promised Land. The rest of you can stay here and rot in the desert, saying 'welcome, most welcome' and drowning each other in tea until the end of time.
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- Author Marty Rubin
Let me be that friendly face in an indifferent crowd.
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- Author Marty Rubin
A simple thing like being friendly to people will create more understanding than all the poetry in the world.
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- Author Pat Conroy
I was the only person in the world who thought it was a military duty to appear to be in a good mood.
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- Author Noah Levine
Everything is unfolding based on causes and conditions. Our happiness or suffering is dependent on how we relate to the present moment. If we cling now, we suffer later. If we let go and respond with compassion or friendliness, we create happiness and well-being for the future.
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- Author Peter Wessel Zapffe
Dokker træng en hest," sa de. "Ja vil dokker bryte dokker så grynsmå," sa han, "så har æ no mærra her. Ka dokker betale? Vil dokker op og slå dokker tell individ, så skal æ kjøre dokker både op og ner. Hos mæg skal dokker ikje omkomme, dokker skal ikje førlise et hår. Ka dokker betale? Her e ingen så lægg to pinna i kors førr dokker, neida, bare hjølpsomme folk overalt.
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