1,387 Quotes About Gay

  • Author Michael Arceneaux
  • Quote

    Her version of Jesus suggested that though he may have loved me, he merely tolerated me. The mantra 'hate the sin, love the sinner' troubled me. Because if you were under the impression that being gay was inherently wrong, you were operating from the frame of mind that I was inherently wrong. You thought I was the equivalent of irregular denim bought at an outlet mall. I was nobody's clearance-ass jean. My packaging was fine.

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  • Author Vivek Shraya
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    My brownness turns out to be a form of queerness in and of itself and makes me too queer for gay men.

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  • Author Pedro Rhuas
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    É incrível, mas às vezes a gente não se dá conta de como o tempo passa rápido. Num instante eu era a criança viada mais linda do Brasil, com franjinha, pele perfeita e bochechas rechonchudas, e no outro não passava de um ex-espinhento jovem universitário, parcialmente barbado, pronto pra passar a noite enchendo a cara e, quem sabe, de quebra ainda abalar umas bocas.

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  • Author Richard Scott
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    for the longest time people told me I must change my life, but this is my life, this adoration of men, this worship of those whom the world has deemed broken

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  • Author Mario Mieli
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    Querido compañero ¿Te has preguntado por qué te cabreas tanto cuando se pone en discusión el rechazo de tu deseo homosexual? ¿Tu homosexualidad cabreada? Y, por favor, no me digas: «tú eres libre de hacer lo que quieras, pero no te metas conmigo», cuando tú no eres libre de desearme, de hacer el amor conmigo, de gozar de la comunicación sexual de nuestros cuerpos; cuando te cierras de antemano a la posibilidad de tener una relación sexual conmigo. Si tú no eres libre, ¿cómo puedo serlo yo?

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  • Author Shaw Montgomery
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    I might look fairly built and fairly masculine, but I was a bottom who absorbed alcohol like a teenage girl getting drunk on wine coolers for the first time

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  • Author Richard Scott
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    the boy is in love but he has no idea of what he lovesnone of us have ever known what we're doinghomos each one of us opaque as rosequartz I am so lost

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