29 Quotes About Gop
- Author realAnonymous @AnonymousXgHOST Anonymous Ghost
All I do is try to debunk the lies, hate, and racism that I see online every day.That's what I do every day on FB and other sites. /"So you're not the only one."If it's an untruth, I will show you the truth.If it's an outright lie, I will prove it's a lie.If it's racist, I will tell you why it's racist.
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- Author David Litt
The conservative movement had undergone a transformation: the Republican Party had become a kind of church.
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- Author Stephen Colbert
Senator John Kyle claiming that over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does is abortion.Stephen Colbert: Over 90 percent, that is unbelievable...in that it is not true. Only 3 percent of what Planned Parenthood does is abortion. Kyle just rounded it up to the nearest 90.
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- Author AnonymousXgHOST
White Privilege DENIERS; Don't you understand that you cannot disprove something that you yourself are the direct evidence of...Why is "your identity" so hinged on their disparities?
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- Author AnonymousXgHOST
The lies that people tell themselves are the worst of all lies.
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- Author AnonymousXgHOST
Republicans always have and always will take the shortest path of the least resistance, because they're cowards at heart that have a really shitty work ethic that causes a severe lack of responsibility for the truth.
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- Author AnonymousXgHOST
Republican calculated greed is only outmatched by Republican willful ignorance.
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- Author AnonymousXgHOST
There will come a day where voters in America who want to continue to call themselves "conservatives" will also have to start calling themselves NeoLiberals.
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- Author AnonymousXgHOST
There will come a day when voters in America who want to continue calling themselves "conservatives" will also have to start calling themselves Neo-Liberal.In the future, it will be the NeoLiberal/DNC'onservatives/Neo Establishment VS The new progressive party that holds supermajority control.We are the keepers of the light.
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