69 Quotes About Greek-gods
- Author Esther Friesner
Aphrodite had the beauty; Zeus had the thunderbolts. Everyone loved Aphrodite, but everyone listened to Zeus.
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- Author Mary Renault
Each moment free from fear makes a man immortal. - Herakles
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- Author Mary Renault
Each moment free from fear makes a man immortal.
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- Author Stephen Fry
Besides, I can hear the beasts stamping and lowing in the back. I’d know their moo anywhere. That baby is a thief and I demand—
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- Author Rick Riordan
Flirting with random women in a tavern? That sounds like Helios. Well, it sounds like most of the gods, actually.
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- Author Rick Riordan
I was trying to do you a favor, you silly woman. A few more hours in the fire, and your baby boy would have been immortal! He would’ve grown into a fine young god and brought you eternal honor. Now you’ve ruined the magic. He will simply be human—a great hero, yes, strong and tall, but doomed to a mortal life. He will only be Demophoon, when he could have been Fully Phoon! Phoon the Great!
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