32 Quotes About Hawks

  • Author Michelle Sagara West
  • Quote

    What would this have been, if it had more power to give?""This may come as a surprise to you," he replied dryly, "But I am not an Ancient. Nor am I, human philosophy aside, a living construct.""Which means you don't know.""Which means, as you so succinctly put it, I do not know." - Kaylin & Tiamaris

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  • Author Helen Macdonald
  • Quote

    I look. There it is. I feel it. The insistent pull to the heart that the hawk brings, that very old longing of mine to possess the hawk's eye. To live the safe and solitary life; to look down on the world from a height and keep it there. To be the watcher; invulnerable, detached, complete. My eyes fill with water. Here I am, I think. And I do not think I am safe.

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  • Author Eric Jerome Dickey
  • Quote

    We'd had sex like we were whores to each other, and when it was done, we each moved to our side of the bed, boxers going to their corners, then when it was time the imaginary bell rang and we went at it again.

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  • Author Christian Nestell Bovee
  • Quote

    Resentments, carried too far, expose us to a fate analogous to that of the fish-hawk, when he strikes his talons too deep into a fish beyond his capacity to lift, and is carried under and drowned by it.

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  • Author Jared Bernstein
  • Quote

    This is what a healthy job market looks like ? we just haven't seen it for a long while, so it makes inflation hawks nervous.

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  • Author Maureen Corrigan
  • Quote

    To read Helen Macdonald's memoir, H Is for Hawk, is to feel as though Emily Bronte just turned up at your door, trailing all the windy, feral outdoors into your living room.

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