104 Quotes About Highlanders-romance
- Author Victoria Roberts
No matter how much he denied his attraction to her, those red curls haunted his dreams like brilliant flames that couldn't be extinguished... "Fuirich air falbh on teine," he said under his breath, but loud enough for her to hear. Stay away from the fire.
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- Author Paula Quinn
Let every lady in Camlochlin swoon over a charming smile. She had won the love of a man who shared his most intimate smiles for her alone
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- Author Shelly Thacker
The only thing that can hurt me now is the thought of never knowing this feeling again. To never be able to touch you this way again...
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- Author Shelly Thacker
Lauren closed her eyes, remembering how desperate she had been this morn in Chartres, how she had prayed for divine intervention to stop her wedding.She had never expected that intervention to be riding a black horse and wielding a sword.
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- Author Shelly Thacker
She frowned at him. "Not every man thinks constantly of... of..."Darach grinned. "Aye, they do, demoiselle. Every man, from the time he is about ten until the day he dies, thinks frequently of that.
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- Author Shelly Thacker
Camhanach, it is a bargain as old as the world itself." He chuckled."Women want protection...men want a willing lass to warm their bed.
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- Author Shelly Thacker
He drew her into his arms, gathering her close, and dusted kisses over her cheek, her hair. Wrapped in his embrace, Laurien closed her eyes, murmuring a sigh of exquisite satisfaction. A delightful drowsiness overtook her and she gave in to it, snuggled securely against Darach's chest, lying on a stolen wolf pelt, in the hold on a ship of thieves.
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- Author Shelly Thacker
At first, I did not tell you any of this because...you were not supposed to mean anything to me. And later..." His voice became rough with emotion. "Later, I did not tell you because you mean so much to me.
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- Author Cheryl R Cowtan
The group’s laughter echoed off the stained, plaster ceiling. I raised my beer, but before I clinked the bottles together, I challenged him. “You think you’re a man I won’t forget?”“Ah’m nae any man ye’ve met before.”“Praise be,” I smirked, “the others haven’t been worth spit.”Then the whiskey came, and I was taken by the tawny light, forgetting to worry about my ‘crazy’. Until Angus’ efforts at gilding my heart, called my ‘alter’ to the fore.
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