84 Quotes About Hire-keynote-speaker
Hire-keynote-speaker Quotes By Author
- Author Susan C. Young
Wise with Your Words. Speak words that support your highest good. Are your thoughts building you up or tearing you down? Notice the quality of your words—your best first impressions ride on them.
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- Author Susan C. Young
5 Reasons to Develop the Power of the Pause. It . . . 1. encourages your communication partner to express their thoughts without interruption.2. provides a moment of silence to calm incessant talking.3. allows time for your brain to catch up with our mouth.4. provides your listener with space to process your message.5. highlights important points for your message to have more impact.
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- Author Susan C. Young
Getting into SyncPeople feel the most comfortable with and gravitate more quickly to the people with whom they are the most alike. You will receive your best results by seeking first to understand and then to adjust your energy, movements, posture, words, gestures, and behaviors to synchronize with theirs. This alignment will build a sense of rapport and commonality which will help your conversations progress smoothly and more successfully.
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- Author Susan C. Young
Free Flowing Dialogue“Have you ever been engaged in a conversation which was so dynamic that you were both firing on all cylinders, in perfect harmony and at warp speed?
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- Author Susan C. Young
Years ago, one of my girlfriends and I were going on a road trip and our destination was four hours away. We started an amazing conversation as our trip began. We arrived four hours later, but it felt like we had been driving for only half an hour. Have you ever been so immersed in the free flow of conversation that it transcended time, space, and effort? That is the beauty of being in flow.
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- Author Susan C. Young
The Rhythm of RelationshipsIt’s not a mystery that there are certain people with whom we "click" and others with whom we don’t. In the movie, Forrest Gump, Forrest proclaimed that he and Jenny got along like "peas and carrots." I once heard Tony Robbins say that if you are with the right person, a relationship does not take a lot of work. When relationships are in rhythm, everything is made easier.
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- Author Susan C. Young
Social synchronicity will help you stay open-minded regarding coincidence and serendipity. It is worth considering whether people are showing up in your life for a purpose or by accident.
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- Author Susan C. Young
ASK YOURSELF:• Have you pondered a question and someone ironically shows up with the answers?• Have you ever been thinking of a friend and within moments they mysteriously call or come by? • How many times have you seen a meaningful relationship start because the right people were in the right place at the right time for the right opportunity?
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- Author Susan C. Young
These "God Winks" may be an answer to prayer, a warning to change course, or a reward for doing things right. Become mindful and aware of how these cosmic puzzle pieces come together to enrich your life and your relationships. It is both affirming and entertaining to consider. Be open and grateful.
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